Monday, October 29, 2018

Ocober 23-29

Math: Daisy, Simon, and Sarajoy did Teaching Textbooks lessons. Sullivan did his 1st grade math workbook.

Language Arts: Each child reads aloud and does a journal entry daily. Sullivan finished his first chapter book! Dinosaurs Before Dark. Sarajoy is reading The Courage of Sarah Noble, Simon is reading Indian Stories, Daisy is reading Calico Captive.

Science: Playing in the Autumn leaves has been a great hands on way to learn about the seasons and changing weather and plants. We also got a new Ranger Rick magazine that the kids have all enjoyed.

History: The kids each has a read aloud that has a historical theme.  They also have enjoyed playing with our teepee and miniature Native American figurines.

Tech: Daisy continues to amaze us with her beautiful photography.  She especially loves capturing nature.  Simon hit a breakthrough with figuring out how to make and apply minecraft mods on Tynker! Sullivan has been playing minecraft with Simon as well as creating designs with pattern blocks. Sarajoy is also enjoying the pattern blocks.

Music: Each of the children is working on their individual lessons in Suzuki violin as well as the group song Amazing Grace and Beauty and the Beast.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 15-22

Math: Daisy, Simon, and Sarajoy continue to work online with Teaching Textbooks.  Sullivan has been doing a workbook and playing with manipulatives.

Language Arts: The children each complete a language activity, journal entry, and read out loud each day. Sullivan is reading Dinosaurs Before Dark, Sarajoy is reading The Courage of Sarah Noble, Simon is reading Indian Stories, and Daisy is reading Calico Captive.

Science: We visited the Aquarium this week. We spent time in the Utah exhibit and watched them feed the penguins.  We saw the jellyfish for the first time, and visited the Asia exhibit.

History: We got out the Native American figurines and the kids have been using the play teepee and dressups to play "Indians".

Music: The children continue work in their Suzuki books and our group song Amazing Grace.

Technology: Sarajoy and Sullivan have been using a variety of building sets to practice engineering. Simon is learning coding and word processing. Daisy is getting to know her camera better and taking amazing pictures of autumn.

Friday, October 12, 2018

October 9-16

Math: Daisy, Simon, and Sarajoy worked on Teaching Textbooks online. Sullivan used Math Playground for most of his math this week.

Language Arts: Each child did a reading and writing assignment daily. They also use Gmail and Google hangouts to practice writing and typing notes to each other and their friends.

Science: We read lots of books about animals. The kids are good at identifying a variety of interesting aquatic animals.

History: Sarajoy is reading The Courage of Sarah Noble. Daisy is reading Calico Captive. Simon is reading Indian Stories, Sullivan is reading picture books on various history topics.

Technology: Daisy helped take pictures of her sister for a school dance this week. Simon likes watching minecraft videos and trying new programming. Sarajoy and Sullivan used the wooden Tetris puzzle we got and played with the castle DUPLO legos.

Music: The kids are each progressing in their Suzuki books and working on skills with their instructor. The group song we are learning is Amazing Grace.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

October 1-October 8

Math-The kids all worked on Teaching Textbooks.  Sullivan did Math playground.  Simon did his new Tynker Crate.

Language Arts- Daily reading and writing in journals.  The kids enjoy messaging each other on Google hangouts and Sarajoy found a friend she can email. 

Science-Lots of fun with the sea creatures in the kiddie pool.  We got our new Zoobooks and Ranger rick magazines. 

History-We listened to History of US for a couple of hours and studied the first Americans.  We were excited to learn about the people who inhabited Mesa Verde because we went there last year on vacation.

Violin-Kids continued to work on their Suzukin books and our group number, Amazing Grace.

Technology-Daisy is figuring out her new camera and taking some great pictures.  Simon is really getting the hang of Gmail and, Sullivan spent a lot of time building castles this week with our lego set.  Sarajoy got a new Goldiblox set and built it.